5 Reasons British White Cattle Would be Good for Your Operation

It’s important for any cattle operation to fully weigh and research all of the options they have when deciding what kind of cattle breed they want to raise before jumping in with both feet. Each cattle breed comes with its own list of pros and cons and it really depends on what you want your outcome to be. Do you want to be a milk producer? A meat producer? Do you have a hobby farm and want a little of both? Before we jump into the reasons why we love our British White Cattle, let’s cover some questions you should ask yourself to help determine the type of operation you want to have. 

Things to Consider for Your Cattle Operation

When you are considering what kind of operation you want, you first need to consider how much time and resources you have to dedicate to it. For example, do you have time to milk a dairy cow 2-3 times per day? You also have to think about how you will be able to bring value to the market as a new player. These days it isn’t just about the product, but what kind of experience you can provide your customer. The amount of land and barn set up that you have available to you should also be considered. In fact, we might write a whole article on considerations to be taken into account when starting your own cattle operation. Let us know below if that would be helpful! Now, let’s get into why British White Cattle are a great option for your operation. 

British White Cattle are Dual Purpose

British Whites were originally a dual-purpose breed, meaning they were bred to provide both milk and beef production. This is what makes them great mama cows with lots of milk. Nowadays, British White’s are mostly bred for beef production, but are a great option for homesteaders looking for a milking cow too. British White Cattle are a great choice for homesteaders and ranchers looking to get the most out of their investment. 

British White Cattle are Naturally Polled

Being naturally polled means that all true British Whites are born without horns. What this means for you as the rancher is that you don’t have to go through the trouble of dehorning them, whether from birth or even harder, as an adult. 

British White Cattle Have a Great Temperament

This might be one of the biggest reasons we love our British Whites. You can’t beat having cattle with a decently good temperament. Don’t get us wrong, our heifers still have their special days, but overall you are going to get a mostly docile cow with a gentle disposition. 

Overall, British Whites Have Exceptional Health

We do want to preface this reason with the fact that your cattle should still have all of their preventive vaccines and routine care. But with that being said, compared to other breeds, British White Cattle are overall pretty hardy and seem to adapt well to almost any environment. We just want to stress that just because they are overall a more hardy breed, you should still have a care plan in place and have a great relationship with a local large animal vet. 

They are Just so Dang Cute!

Come on, you can’t beat their cute little black ears and noses! With almost all white bodies and black points on their faces and legs, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find a cattle breed that is cuter than these guys. 

Just in case you are looking to get started with British White Cattle on your operation, feel free to reach out. Here at Black Label Farms, we also started offering a Virtual Rancher Program, which allows you to learn about raising cattle and get a firsthand experience with the breed before committing. This season of Virtual Rancher has passed, but join our newsletter to stay in the loop for next year’s program. Additionally, we also offer British White Bull Semen as well as our Bull Lease program for anyone wanting to get their own herd started. You can contact us for more information on this below. 


7 Questions People Have About British White Cattle


What you Need to Know About British White Cattle